probably wanted a certain job before. Would you have disregarded someone's
beliefs to get there? That's what Michael Obi did in the story Dead Men's
Path. Michael is only looking out for himself.
Michael Obi
is the new headmaster at the school. He is getting the school ready for
inspection but there is this old path across the campus. He decides to block
the path and the priest asks him to re-open the path because the path is used
for the dead and children coming to be born. Obi is educated doesn't believe in
this superstition and therefore does not really care. Michael blocks the path
because superstition will not look good at a school.
He is too
egocentric. Obi doesn't listen to the priest because he only cares about his
needs, which in this case is his job. This is his flaw. Because he leaves the
path blocked, the school is destroyed in the night. The school got a bad report
because of how it looked and more seriously about the “tribal-war situation
developing between the school and the village, arising in part from the
misguided zeal of the new headmaster."
If Michael had removed the fence he would have at least gotten a report on the school even if it wasn't good. Also, the village members wouldn't be mad at him. However, because he doesn't, the school gets a very bad report and Obi finds himself without his pride or his job.
If Michael had removed the fence he would have at least gotten a report on the school even if it wasn't good. Also, the village members wouldn't be mad at him. However, because he doesn't, the school gets a very bad report and Obi finds himself without his pride or his job.
Your ideas seem astute enough, and that is fine.