Friday, December 9, 2011

Bill and his secret

Bill was an average 13 year-old with a secret. He didn't like to talk about it because people thought he was crazy. Bill secretly liked snowy afternoons in the summer. You're probably already thinking how crazy that is. That's why he didn't talk about it. Another thing you're probably wondering is how you could you have a snowy afternoon in the summer. What if I told you that Bill lived in Alaska. The next question you have is why did people think he's crazy? That's because, thirty years ago, in 2026, all of the snow in Alaska melted. You want to know why? I do too. Anyway, there's no snow. So how could he like snowy afternoons if there isn't any snow you ask? Well, you know those machines that make snow at ski hills? Even though the weather in Alaska is warmer now, the new snow machines make snow that lasts for a day or two. Now, you're wondering why they just can't keeping making snow. I'll tell you. The fuel that the snow machines use is very expensive and they can only buy it from one place. People thought Bill was crazy because of how expensive it is to make snow. Any questions? You want to know how I know all this? Well Bill is my great uncle.

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